Gemini & Taurus - Love Compatibility

Pairing weight: 54:46
Like each other: 3
Long-lasting: 3
At first a Taurean and a Gemini may find the other fascinating and charming, later the relationship between them will prove to be very demanding on each person. When one enters the life of the other they must first give themselves time to learn about each other. They will also have a great deal to give each other.
A Taurean is a very practical person, who wants to do something which will acquire them achievements in their life, while Gemini simply finds and do what interests them. This will be the main contradiction in both of their characters.
Gemini can become restless and constantly seeks excitement, while Taurus needs security and stability. Both have a great deal to give each other. The Gemini can be of two minds about things. If the Taurean is ready to provide Gemini with the security it wants and allowing the Gemini its freedom this relationship will prove to be long lasting.
Passions of a Taurus is not easily or briskly aroused, it grows in him taking a lot of time to assess and finalize. Once he reaches a decision, he is not a person to go back. The way to a Taurean heart will be through his stomach, as he love good cooking and fine wine.
A Gemini woman can remain deeply committed to one person, although she needs the company of several occasionally. However, a typical possessive Taurean will never tolerate his woman to enjoy her days with some others.
A Gemini womans lack of respect for possessions and stability and interest to live in a fantasy world, will make a Taurean mad. The Taurus aren't spontaneous enough for the versatile Gemini. If Taurus is ready to wait for a while Gemini will gradually settle into a more dependable relationship that will make both happy and satisfied.
The Bull will find it difficult to communicate with his Gemini girl and she will find it difficult to adjust with him. This relationship will need a great sort adjustment from both.
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