Libra & Taurus - Love Compatibility

Pairing weight: 40:60
Like each other: 4
Long-lasting: 4
In a Taurus - Libra relationship, adjustment attains a lot of priority. Both will be forced to provide each other more than they receive. This will never be a 'love at first sight relationship'.
Libra always prefer to have a comfortable job in a stylish environment. Taurus have a lure towards finer things in life such as good food, good quality products that will last a long time. Libra also prefer for the beautiful things in life, like people, art, parties where they can present themselves on their most elegant clothes.
Taurus will enjoy spending an evening idle but Libra needs the social connections with others.
A Taurus man and a Libra woman looks for security in their relationship, if they unite, it will be the unification of two halves of a whole. Eventhough their realtionship may start slowly, once they understand each other, mutual respect and realization that they have many similiarities will enrich their life with more happiness and harmony.
Libra woman loves socializing more when compared to her Taurus companion. Taurean will feel a bit insecure about her capacity to relate with other people, like close friends or acquaintances. But this has nothing to do with the romance, Libran enjoys company, chatting and mingling. Libra woman loves togetherness and would be extremely happy if she is accompanied with her partner.
Disputes are expected in this relationship if the Taurus man seems to be too possessive or the Libra woman seems too flirtatious and social. If they come to understand each others point of view are different, the matters are expected to get diminished by its own.
They will have similar tastes and loves which will makes their relationship filled with great romance and harmony, and the home they share will be enriched with comdfort and aesthetic pleasures.
Libra woman and Taurus man will have an aversion towards discord and emotionally charged arguments and will try to avoid situations that produce them. As both are ruled by the planet Venus, they can enjoy the Venusian pleasures that life offers them and continue to make each other constant with surpises and peace.
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