

Pairing weight:
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Leo-Gemini, one of the most entertaining combination. A Leo will feel absolutely happy and honored with a Gemini. Gemini with the characteristics of good humor, ready wit and social skills will delight and complement Leo. When they both are inclined to work together they can discover and understand more than they would do when they are alone. Both are active personalities, and working together they can come up with great ideas and achieve their goals.
Leo is ruled by Sun, which represents communication and Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury, which deals with individual expression. As these planets have compatible nature, if both this signs work together, they will be able to get at their points in different ways. It doesn't mean that they lack any disputes between them, but where Gemini does it for fun and intellectual challenge, the lion will take it more seriously. An act of caution from the part of the Twins to understand the response of his partner will evade the chances of these heated disputes.
Both Twins and regal lion are social animals that never want to miss a chance of being the center of attention. And a Gemini person is someone who can share the spotlight without trying to steal the show from the Leo. Steady Leo provides the focus Gemini often lacks and directs the twins towards achieving goals and status.
Every Leo woman has an instinctive desire to tame the man she is in love with. But it will prove to be a difficult task if she is trying to tame a Gemini man, cause he is more slippery and elusive when comparing to any other persons. She must convince him that she is unique to get his sole attention.
When a Lioness and a Twin man is together, it will become quiet natural that the Lioness will grab the attention and adoration of the public. However, the Gemini man who is seldom possessive, will feel no dejection on this, as he will probably see her popularity as a factor of her uniqueness.
Arguments are expected if Leo girl finds it difficult to cope with the flirtatious nature of her Gemini man, and he feels that she wants to be the controller of their relationship. But this will not be a big puzzle, as both possess respect and understanding for each other. Both have a youthful view of the world, and they can understand and value each others input to the world. Together, this duo is well matched and will be a success.
Leo is ruled by Sun, which represents communication and Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury, which deals with individual expression. As these planets have compatible nature, if both this signs work together, they will be able to get at their points in different ways. It doesn't mean that they lack any disputes between them, but where Gemini does it for fun and intellectual challenge, the lion will take it more seriously. An act of caution from the part of the Twins to understand the response of his partner will evade the chances of these heated disputes.
Both Twins and regal lion are social animals that never want to miss a chance of being the center of attention. And a Gemini person is someone who can share the spotlight without trying to steal the show from the Leo. Steady Leo provides the focus Gemini often lacks and directs the twins towards achieving goals and status.
Every Leo woman has an instinctive desire to tame the man she is in love with. But it will prove to be a difficult task if she is trying to tame a Gemini man, cause he is more slippery and elusive when comparing to any other persons. She must convince him that she is unique to get his sole attention.
When a Lioness and a Twin man is together, it will become quiet natural that the Lioness will grab the attention and adoration of the public. However, the Gemini man who is seldom possessive, will feel no dejection on this, as he will probably see her popularity as a factor of her uniqueness.
Arguments are expected if Leo girl finds it difficult to cope with the flirtatious nature of her Gemini man, and he feels that she wants to be the controller of their relationship. But this will not be a big puzzle, as both possess respect and understanding for each other. Both have a youthful view of the world, and they can understand and value each others input to the world. Together, this duo is well matched and will be a success.